The level of efficiency is a reflection of men's health. The incidence of problems with her heavily beating on the sexual ability of men and can talk about the presence of the disease in the body. In order to understand how to quickly increase the potency at home, it is necessary to first determine the cause of the sexual disorders.

What is the potency
Potency — the ability of the man to implementation of sexual intercourse. Low potency, or its complete absence is an obstacle to a lesson sex. In case of problems with an erection it is necessary to take measures. To improve the potency you may need to adjust lifestyle, start to eat special supplements helena drugs.
On what depends the efficiency of
There is a huge amount of factors that have an impact on sexual function. Between them they issue are:
- levels of hormones;
- lifestyle;
- the psychological state.
Activity sports and total daily activity favorably affects a woman's health. Men who lead a sedentary way of life, libido and erections were much weaker. Also on the sexual function affects the level of testosterone in the blood, and mental attitude. The constant stresses lead to a weakening of potency.
Causes of sexual disorders
Among the causes of sexual disorders exclude:
- inflammation of the prostate gland;
- the decline of testosterone levels;
- stresses that in the life of helena experience before intercourse;
- diabetes mellitus;
- violation of blood circulation in the sexual member and a small pan;
- chronic fatigue.

Weak sexual function may be associated with psychological helena physiological problems. After getting rid of the causes of potency will be restored.
How is it possible to raise at home
To improve male power in the conditions of the home, you can take the pills, folk techniques of helena to exercise. An integrated approach will help achieve most of the expressed results.
Tablet use
Specialized products that affect erection — the best solution, if the problem is related with the psychological discomfort. Typically, the tablets are applied before the actual sexual act, for the strengthening of opportunities.
Folk methods
Through the folk ways of treatment manages to deliver the body with the missing elements, to remove slow inflammation and stress and improve the overall condition.
Tinctures and decoctions to increase the potency
Various tinctures and decoctions — is the preferred form of use of many natural remedies. Drinking the decoction from the inside allows you to achieve the desired effect in a short time.
Tincture of nettle leaves
To prepare a tincture need 200 grams of fresh nettles, pour 500 ml of vodka. The liquid it is necessary to take a few days in a sealed container, then drain and eat on 1 h. spoon of fasting for a period of 3-6 weeks.

This plant has a mass of useful properties. The funds, prepared on the basis of fenugreek, to stimulate immunity and allow you to fight with a male disease. For the preparation of a decoction of the commonly used seeds. 2 teaspoons of shabby seed requires cooking 250 ml of boiling water. Decoction used 2 times a day 120 ml.
Soda — a popular drug that is often used in folk medicine. To increase the potency of soda can be used locally, if there are any inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Admission in has no effects on libido and erection.
Aspen bark
In the aspen bark contains a large quantity of useful substances. It can be used for the preparation of decoctions for oral helena local use. Income inside allows you to fight with diseases of the genitourinary system. The local application will help you to remove balanoposthitis.
Nettle — a plant that has a local effect actions. Which entails improving blood circulation. Nettle can be used topically in the pelvic area, and is also used inside. Dry nettle can be used for the preparation of the next decoction: 2 tablespoons of dry nettle filled with 500 ml boiling water and infused over 2 hours. Ready the liquid to drink in a dosage of 100 ml 2 times a day.
Perennial herbaceous plant, which has a number of beneficial effects. The root of calamus is used for the preparation of decoctions. 20 g finely chopped root pour 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting liquid is used 3 times a day to 65 ml. the Drug has an antioxidant effect.
Decoctions ivan-tea allow you to stock up a person important trace elements and vitamins. It favorably affects the entire body and sexual function. Ivan-tea helps to improve mental condition, but also helps to strengthen the immunity and hemoglobin.
A drink made from ginger root
To prepare the drink you will need 8 grams of ginger root, 2 cloves of lemon, 2 teaspoons of honey and 500 ml of boiling water. Ginger is cleaned from the peel, added with the other ingredients in the dishes and poured the boiling water. After that it is necessary to give fluid and allow to stand and add 2 tablespoons of honey.
St. john's wort
The herb st. john's wort has a large number of pharmacological effects. Infusion of st. john's wort has the following useful features: provides antispasmodic effect, shows anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, has a sedative effect on the nervous system. For the preparation of medicines on the basis of the wort you can use a ready-made pharmacy grass.
Herbaceous plant, which has immunostimulatory, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. Also this herb a beneficial effect on potency. For infusion take 20 g of flowers of lungwort pour 200 ml of boiling water. A decoction is used daily for 2 weeks.
This plant has a bactericidal, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action. In the grass thyme contains large amounts of vitamins. In the presence of diseases of the sexual system, and through the use of this herb is able to quickly achieve a cure.
Medicinal mixture
Medicinal mixtures are included in the diet. They have certain pharmacological exposure and pleasant to the taste.
Nuts with honey
It is a popular dish that is recommended to use to increase the potency. For preparation will need 50 grams of walnuts, 50 g hazelnuts, 50 g pine nuts, grind and mix with 100 g of honey. The resulting mixture is recommended to eat 1-2 times a day 1 tbsp.
Products to increase potency

There are a number of foods, which affect positively on the level of libido and erection. Between them they issue seafood, nuts, honey and food, which in large quantities contains zinc.
Gifts of the seas and oceans
It is recommended to include into the diet:
- cancer;
- shrimp;
- shells;
- red caviar;
- oysters;
- mackerel.
For the preservation of the maximum amount of beneficial substances it is recommended to cook seafood on steamed.
Miracle pumpkin
In a pumpkin the products of many different vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. For strengthening the male power recommended to include into the diet squeeze and yourself pumpkin seeds.
White wine
In the skins of grapes a large amount of antioxidants. Drinking white wine in small quantities helps reduce the negative effects of free radicals, improve emotional background and expand blood vessels. In addition, through the drinking of white wine is held the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Represents a non-invasive method of treatment of various male sexual illnesses. Method is to use a vacuum cylinder on the penis member. The cylinder, which is placed on the genitals, creating more than inside low blood pressure, which allows to increase the flow of blood. The method is often used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction associated with damage to the blood vessels helena senile changes.
When regular stress helena fear of intimacy because of the probability of failure is necessary to carry out psychotherapy. In this case experiencing are appointed by the sedatives. Also, for the overcoming of the syndrome of failure of the appointed encouraging an erection. After overcoming the fear of their income terminated.
Physical therapy
Therapeutic physical education can help improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and get rid of stagnant processes. It is necessary to carry out the exercise that uses the muscles of the legs and pelvis, and also put the overall burden on the organism.
Training on Kegel
For targeted work, aimed at increasing the potency, it is recommended to perform the exercises on Kegel. During the course need to train the so-called pubic-coccygeal muscle.
Table. Performing the exercise.
Name | The principle of |
Clenching the pelvic floor muscles | For tension these muscles, it is necessary to perform an action that is commonly used for the retention of urination. You have to imagine that he has a strong urge to urinate and squeeze the muscles that don't do it. The voltage is maintained for 5 seconds, then relax. The action is repeated 10-20 times. |
Clenching the muscles of the anus | It is necessary to carry out the muscle contraction 10-20 times with maintaining the tension for 5-7 seconds. |
Lifting the pelvis while lying on your back with bent in knees legs | This exercise allows you to get rid of stagnant processes. The number of repetitions — 10-12. |
Training on Kegel will improve the state of men's health and lead to the firming of the muscles of the pelvic floor.
Vacuum impact
Vacuum massage allows you improve the potency due to increased vascularity. The procedure is performed in a cosmetology office. Before the vacuum massage is recommended to undergo a survey on the topic of possible contraindications.
Rehabilitation is a method that is often used in various sexual disorders. The procedure is performed with the use of the device for UV-therapy. Mechanical impulses allow you to restore the tissue and to form new small blood vessels, which will lead to a better filling of the penis with blood during erection.
Treatment of the tradition of the old China
Eastern medicine offers many ways to restore potency. Great attention is paid not only to specific issues, but also on health in general. Modern rehabilitation procedures and drugs will allow you to quickly reach the goal, but do not forget about the reason of the problem. It is necessary to change your lifestyle and regularly to deal with prevention.
Change lifestyle
To improve efficiency it is recommended to stick to the following rules:
- avoid long-term stationary state;
- to perform the exercise, use the muscles of the legs and pelvis;
- excluded from the life of smoking and reduce alcohol consumption;
- consume foods rich in zinc.
In the presence of excess weight it is necessary to go on a diet. The smaller is the percentage of fat in the body, the higher is the level of testosterone. It is recommended to begin to engage in active sport. If the working activity is connected with constant search for in a sitting position, like every hour get up and perform the exercise.
Regular sex
Profession at Silverside allows you to avoid the formation of stagnant processes. The recommended daily amount of sexual acts — not less than 1 times per 2 weeks. In the extreme case, sexual intercourse can be replaced by masturbating.
Get away from the bad habits
The exclusion of large amounts of alcohol and cigarettes will help improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. This is again a positive impact on the potency. Also on harmful habits can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle and low activity.
Contrast baths
For strengthening blood vessels, increase immunity and improve the overall condition can take a contrast shower. The alternative effects on the body cold and warm water allows you to lead in the tone of the vascular system. Contrasting rinses are held every day. Before starting the use of this procedure it is necessary to obtain the permission of a doctor. Among the contraindications to secrete, thrombophlebitis, severe diseases of the blood vessels, inflammation of the bladder, the presence of benign tumors.
Russian bath
Regular trips to the sauna allow you to speed up the metabolism, relieve stress and muscle tension, and also to remove toxins from your body. Bath has a positive effect on potency, but only within reasonable limits. It is not necessary to expose the body exposed to too high temperatures helena a longer time reside in the steam room. To achieve a positive outcome enough to attend the bath 1 time per week.

How to improve the potency of 60 years
To improve the potency in old age are used the following methods:
- hormone replacement therapy;
- specialized drugs to improve blood flow;
- adjustment of lifestyle.
During the aging process in the body men decreases private testosterone, and therefore the most effective way is considered the use of hormonal drugs. Because of the hormone therapy can increase the sexual desire and erection.
Vitamins to improve potency
For enhancing sexual functions, it is recommended to use simple complex vitamins. Also separately can be used supplements that contain zinc, and various herbal teas. Take vitamins, must be in strict accordance with the instructions. Overdose does not lead to an increase in the effect, and becomes a cause of hypervitaminosis.
Opinion of sexologists and andrologists
Experts recommend the approach to combat with erectile dysfunction individually. There are many reasons for a decrease in potency. Some of them require serious treatment of drug addiction. You cannot engage self-heal, that her Viagra helena other means.
In the first place it is necessary to undergo a detailed examination. Even a severe reduction in the levels of testosterone helena of chronic prostatitis can be cropped through modern medicine.
Potency plays a very important role in the life of every man. Preserve sexual function, how is it possible, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid negative factors that could trigger diseases of the genitourinary system.